Answer: The organized provision of medical care to individuals or a community.
Healthcare is defined as the prevention and treatment of diseases through medical professional services. An example of healthcare is the prescription of medication for diseases.
John Reynolds, Royal Governor - 1754-1757.
Henry Ellis, Royal Governor - 1757-1760.
James Wright, Royal Governor - 1760-1776 (When the revolutionaries took control in 1776, Wright fled from Georgia. he returned in 1779 and continued as royal governor of the British-held part of Georgia until 1782)
hope this helps
c) human beings coordinate their wants and desires.
Economics is the investigation of the human needs and their desires and the interference of social, political and economic factors in the decisions leading to the fulfillment of those needs and desires. Economics sheds light on the importance and effect of social situations and political realities of a society and that how it interacts with the decision making process and strategies utilized by the people living in that society. Hence, economics is the investigation of human beings coordinating and fulfilling their wants and desires under social and political influences.
B. The United States decided to make its own products after the War of 1812.
In war of 1812, many of the goods that the people usually consumed in United States were cut off due to the Embargo that Jefferson put to other European countries.
This made a lot of people realized that United States were too reliant on Foreign products.
So, the government started to encouraged the use of technology brought by the industrial revolution in order to mass produce different variety of products by our own.
A new out look on how the world would be ran in the future. There would probably be less traditional things