Restorative justice is the justice which deals not only with the war crimes but with the emotional and other influences it had on relationships, community, and people. Its three principles are:
Repair of the harm
Encounter of the two parties
Transformation of the relationships between people, and communities.
George W. Bush, and George H. W. Bush
Proactive behavior by an individual in psychology explains that the individual is trying to change behavior by various means i.e by setting future goals to do something to overcome from something, also referred to as self-initiated behaviors. In this example, Bill is trying to initiate a behavior( spending time with family) to deal with the stress he is facing.
True according to (-Adapted from a list created by RealVision, a project of TV-Turnoff Network.)
Average time per week that the American child ages 2-17 spends watching television: 19 hours, 40 minutes