Part A
D. Organization
Part B
International organization and international governance what are international organizations and international governance, types of international organizations, and how decisions are made in international organizations.
Then there will be a brief reference to the League of Nations and mainly a reference to the UN (in its organs and functions). International non-governmental organizations will then be examined organizations (DMKO), the types of DMKO, their role, their influence and their problems.
Finally, reference will be made to the economic dimension of international life, mainly to the International Political Economy, to globalization as well as a brief reference to the role of multinational companies.
Before a bill is a bill, it is an idea, then a bill, and from there it needs a sponsor, or a few, from the House of Representatives, and from there it is then introduced into the House of Representatives, then it goes to the Committee who revise, review, and research the bill. It's then sent back to the House, debated/voted upon, where it goes to the Senate, from the Senate to the President, he signs it, and thus the bill becomes a law.
The Confeds won and Union lost.
World War 1 vs World War 2
• WW1 was mainly confined to Europe while WW2 had entire world as its theater.
• Warfare and arms used in WW1 were primitive in nature and the war was mainly fought digging trenches. On the other hand, airpower was heavily used in WW2 with atom bombs dropped in Japan being termed as the Holocaust.
• Radio got invented which was heavily used in WW2 while there were only landline phones in WW1
• Germany suffered defeats in both WW1 and WW2 but while it wisely acknowledged defeat in WW1, Hitler chose to fight till the bitter end in WW2 leading to mass destruction
• WW2 saw 7 times more casualties than WW1
• There was only Mustard gas as WMD in WW2 while Atom bombs were used for the first and last time as WMD in WW2
• League of Nations was born with the end of WW1 while the end of WW2 gave birth to United Nations
• WW1 was based on imperialism while WW2 was a result of the clash of ideologies