Major problems at the end of the war included labor strikes and race riots, and a lag in the economy due to farmers' debts. The Red Summer of 1919 saw an increase in violence in more than two dozen cities, as returning veterans (both white and African American) competed for jobs.
Vaudeville musical act, the Dixie Duo.
Eubie Blake was an American pianist and Jazz composer. He also went on to work on brodway musicals as the first black writer and director to present a complete musical in the USA. One of his most notable career points was his partnership with Noble Sissle, shortly after the first world war. They wrote some plays and created the musical act of Vaudeville, entitled as Dixie Duo, which was very popular in his time and came to stabilize Blake's name as a great African American artist.
I would say trading cities became more important
Zealots were a political/philosophic movement in first century (what I call) Israel. They were (if I can put it this way) a sort of uncouth bunch who thought the only way to free themselves from Roman rule was to oppose the Romans with force.
That was their platform. They did not take into account that the Roman's were a huge military power that was ruthless when antagonized. As these things go, Rome was a pretty good ruler. At least they knew the difference between meaningful opposition and tolerance of differences.
The zealots did not see Rome that way. They believed that any interference was too much interference.
That's when Rome got upset and the first Jewish War of 65 AD or so began. It was like sticking your arm in a hornet's nest. The Zealots had gained the largely unwelcome wrath of Rome. The zealots were unlucky (in a way). If they had picked a time that a warrior/emperor was not leader, their opposition may have evaporated. It would be like hitting a marshmallow. Rome may have considered it an internal affair. They had up to this point. Even though some of the Pharisee priests supported the Zealots, the alliance was destroyed by the unwillingness to negotiate further.
Anyone who is really dedicated can be termed a Zealot in modern times. I am using the term to describe someone that is Zealous. You could look up Galatians 1:11 - 14 to see how Paul used the term. This connection between Paul and Jewish leaders (including Zealots) is really hotly debated. It's another hornet's nest.