The answer is in terrestrial ecosystems
The town is which I live is Negotino, Republic of Macedonia. The is located in the driest part of the country, so it is very common that there's problems with water during the warmer part of the year. The landscape is mostly dominated by two things, vineyards and barren land which has the characteristics of a is semi-desert, so the town, and the municipality as whole, lacks in wood as well.
My two suggestions for making the town and the surrounding area more sustainable would be:
1. Planting the whole barren land with wild or semi-wild apricots
The wild and semi-wild apricots thrive in this climate, do not need any maintenance, don't have problems with high temperatures and droughts, nor with very low temperatures. From those apricots, the fruits can be used for production of juices and kompots, selling them for much lower prices in the municipality and throughout the country, so the municipality can get a significant income, income that can be used for improving the town's infrastructure and any projects. The shells of the apricots are excellent for heating, thus can be distributed to the households throughout the town as a material for heating during the winter. The trees will also contribute to better air quality and lower the effects of the strong winds.
2. Construction of water collectors
Construction of water collectors will be extremely useful, considering the semi-arid climate in the area. The water collected during the spring and autumn can be used for all sorts of things in the town, thus minimizing, or maybe even eliminating the water problem during the drier parts of the year.
V. Moderate
IV–V falls within the range of
4.0–4.9 so we put at 4.9
This V. Moderate earthquake is the type felt by nearly everyone, with many people awakened. Some dishes and windows are usually broken, and unstable objects are overturned such as books in a bookcase. Pendulum clocks may also stop.
depends on what species of african elephants but yes some species of this elephant are in fact indanger because of people getting very greedy with certain things.