Isolationism was the policy that kept them from joining the League of Nations. Isolationism is when a group stays away from or ignores all people in that group. Mainly political matters of other countries.
The Alamo. Definition: The Battle of the Alamo was a 13 day siege at a mission in San Antonio that was fought between February 23, 1836 – March 6, 1836 by Mexican forces of about 4000, under President General Santa Anna, against a handful of 180 American rebels fighting for Texan independence from Mexico.
Opposition to mainstream catholic controversies such as sales of indulgences, and the publication of his works John Calvin benefited from the printing press a great deal. several of his ideas were published and translated into different languages and therefore reached a great deal of people, similar to the Lutheran thoughts that had also benefited from the printing press.
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Disminución de poder.
La fragmentación del poder significa disminución del poder o la autoridad. La fragmentación del poder ocurre cuando otra institución poderosa reduce los derechos de esa persona o gobierno y aumenta los derechos de otros. Esta fragmentación provoca una menor influencia de ese gobierno en su pueblo. Esta fragmentación del poder es buena porque el gobierno o el individuo no toman decisiones equivocadas.