A niche is the role a species plays in the ecosystem. In other words, a niche is how an organism “makes a living.” A niche will include the organism's role in the flow of energy through the ecosystem
<em>practical wisdom
Phronesis refers to intelligence, prudence, practical action and good judgement. It is just not wisdom by itself, but coupled with practical virtue, thus the term “practical wisdom”.
Aristotle explains that ethics has a purpose, and that is to become good. He further discusses virtue as practical, emphasizing that merely knowing is not enough. The understanding of ethics should be demonstrated.
All three cases went to the Supreme Court for ruling.
The cases that went to the supreme corut ruling will be more likely to be considered as a landmark decision, which is the type of decisions that influence the live of the people on national scale.
I'll describe the effect of each decisions on national scale:
-Plessy v. Ferguson,
This decision resulted in the application of segregation law. Black people all across the nation were required to use different public facilities than the white citizens because of this.
- Brown v. Board of Education,
This decision diminish the effect of plessy v. Ferguson since it make the segregation of schools become illegal.
- Regents of California v. Bakke
This affect the people nationally because it allow race to become a factor for college admission . (It become the basis of affirmative action that help minorities get into universities)
Command system is the government that controls the factors of production and makes all decisions about their use. so your answer is command
more butter would be produced
If the Shopkeepers expected the price to go up they would probably make more than normal amounts to hopefully make more money and would increase the the amount of butter we have today