This world has many issues. Ones that every being copes with and ignores equally. One of these large scale problems is Animal abuse;the misuse and harm caused to other species.
Animal abuse, also known as animal cruelty,takes place globally.Every year, more than 10 million animals die from abuse in the US alone. There has been 483 drug-positive Greyhounds in Florida over a 10 year time span. Over 100,000 horses in the US,killed for human consumption. On average, 250,000 animals every year are victims of animal hoarding.( animal stands singled out. The hunting,killing,consumption,and harm caused to animals varies from dogs,to fish,to horses, and birds.March 16th 2022, 330 animals have been reported dead.(
So,why is this so bad?
For starters, animals are part of a large scale chain we too need to survive.They are part of a web we all lie within. They make children and elderlies and help as coping mechanisms. As the years have passed we've taken advantage of them,discarded them because we've advanced so much. Long ago every last part of an animal was used and prayed for in respect and honor to commemorate the life they once had. Because animals have feelings and lives of their own even if we can't think their thoughts or hear their words.After all, a human would hate being treated so poorly.
In closing, It is only right to stang against this injustice. Save the animals that keep this world running. Save the world that keeps us alive.And in turn, the world will save you.
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