In the first paragraph, you could make it your thesis statement
He acted entitled, he was rude and arrogant and a
"Natures First Green Is Gold," indicates nature's first green is youth, because every living thing begins with youth.
"Her Hardest Hue To Hold," represents that youth is very hard to keep because they get older in age.
This poem has 2 meanings, Good things never last forever, and youth and innocence. That life may seem perfect when going right, but this won't stay forever. Every living things is beautiful, and every beautiful things may eventually die. Robert Frost is saying good things will not stay forever. Many times in a person's life there will be unhappiness and sorrow, the good times will end. Even though the great times will end. Even though the great times come to an end, they will be followed by more great times.
Poet is using personification
<em>Frozen branches—heavy with ice arms— Couldn't perform their dance</em>
Trees and brances can't dance, but the poet is giving them human possibilities.
Personification is a way of giving human feelings to objects, plants, animals, and abstract concepts. By reviving things, phenomena, in general, something inanimate, they create images that have a strong effect on the reader.