To the mixed or compound mode of government, combining a general government with regional governments in a single political system.
On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped a nuclear weapon on Hiroshima, Japan – the first time such a catastrophic weapon was ever used in conflict. Three days later the U.S. released another on Nagasaki, devastating the city and ushering in the nuclear age. Over the next few weeks, Global Zero will explore what led to the bomb’s development, the consequences of its use, and where we’ve come since those fateful days in August.
A current example of cultural diffusion is that carried out by the association Contraluz, founded some twenty-five years ago, in the city of Avignon (France). There Spaniards of origin, who had to migrate from that country can take Spanish classes and promotion of gatherings to practice it, exhibitions of painting and photography, lectures on the history and the current situation of Spain and the Ibero-American countries, screening of Spanish films and Latin American, promotion of music and dance, from the sevillanas and flamenco, to the Latin rhythms of the other part of the Atlantic.
What is the purpose of civil government? How does government serve that purpose? To curb violence and curtail man's destruction to man by protecting a nation against foreign invaders, by maintaining law and order among its own citizens, and by administering equity and justice in civil and criminal matters.