Your school counselor has chosen you to be a mentor to a new Spanish speaking 6th grade student on our campus. You have been cho
sen because you are an honor roll student, and are a superb Spanish - Level One student. Unfortunately, this new Spanish speaking student is not doing well in a few of his classes and is having trouble socially adjusting to our school. Your counselor has asked that you write to this student, in Spanish, suggesting ways he could improve his grades and how he could be more involved in school.
yo empezare a leer muchos mas libros para leer mas fluido en ingles, tambien haré ejercicios de matematicas para entender y saber a dividir, multiplicar, sumar, y restar muy muy rapido. en ciencia prestare mucha mas atencion a la maestra para tener 100 en su clase. hare lo que pueda y participare mucho en P.E y en mis electivas
2.) Originally La Llorona and El y La luna are a legend but since it does not come out you can say that it is a myth // Originalmente La Llorona y El y La luna son una leyenda pero como no sale se puede decir que es un mito