I would go with B: terra-cotta.
Some of the main points Thomas Jefferson explain to John Dickinson about the Louisiana purchase were:
- The sole dominion of the Mississippi, excluding those bickerings with foreign powers, securing the course of a peaceable nation.
- The pretension to extend the western territory of Louisiana to the Rio Norte, or Bravo; and still stronger the eastern boundary to the Rio Perdido between the rivers Mobile & Pensacola.
- Ratification and payment, for a thing beyond the constitution, and rely on the nation to sanction an act done for its great good, without its previous authority.
- Annex New Orleans to the Mississippi territory and shut up all the rest from settlement for a long time to come, endeavoring to exchange some of the country there unoccupied by Indians for the lands held by the Indians on this side the Mississippi.
- The impost which will be paid by the inhabitants ceded will pay half the interest of the price given: so that only half will be added to the debt.
Stalin wanted the US and Great Britain to open a second front in France because it would divide the German military. During the time of this statement, Germany's only real military threat came from the Soviet Union. With this in mind, Hitler had the ability to put a huge number of troops on the Soviet Union/German border.
However, if the US and Great Britain planned an invasion through France, that means Hitler would have to move hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions, of troops to France. France, in relation to the Soviet Union, was over 1,000 miles away.
Forcing Germany to fight this two front war would decrease their chance of success.
Article I sets up the legislative branch, which is Congress.
The Congress is made up of the HOR and the Senate.
The main job of the legislative branch is to make laws.
Congress can collect taxes, coin money, and declare war.
The Senate has 100 members and the HOR has 435.
There are 3 branches in our government, the Legislative (makes laws), executive (enforces laws), and the judicial (the law, and decides if someone broke a rule). The Senate has 2 senators per state, and 50x2 is 100 senators. The number of representatives depends on the population of the state.