The chance of a normal couple having a child with down syndrome is 1 to 600 births.
Down syndrome is a genetic flaw that occurs when the fetus is being formed.
A human cell considered normal has 46 chromosomes, divided into 23 pairs. For some unknown reason, an error may occur at the beginning of embryonic development and an extra chromosome is created, which binds to par 21. The result is cells with 47 chromosomes. This causes the said syndrome.
It is important to know that this failure happens at random. It is nobody's responsibility. It has not been proven to date that lifestyle, actions during pregnancy, smoking, drinking, medicines, environmental factors or kinship between the couple can influence this occurrence. She is not contagious either. The likelihood of a normal couple having a child with the syndrome is approximately 1 to 600 births.
NASA is a U.S goverment acengy. It is responsible for sciecne and technology realted to air and space.
NASA opened for on October ,19.58. The agency was created oversee U.S space exploritation and areonautics research.
NASA stand for (National Aeronautics and Space Administration.)
Animals, plants, fungi, and protists
Animals, plants, fungi, and protists are examples of Eukaryota organisms. Animal and plant cells contain many of the same kinds or organelles. There are also certain organelles found in plant cells that are not found in animal cells and vice versa.
Sense of smell
Sense of smell is known to
be part of the chemosensory system or chemical senses. It also a warning
system that alert to danger signals such as fire, gas leakage or spoiled food.
Thus, the sense of smell comes from the specialized sensory cells known as
olfactory sensory neurons.