Don't you use Hamon's for swordsmithing? Katana Hamon or something?
In 'I Dwell in Possibility', by Emily Dckinson, the author compares her vocation as poet to prose, through a metaphor of the two as houses.
She feels poetry as an open and ilimeted house, whereas she sees prose as limeted and enclosed.
She also relates poetry to leaving in freedom in nature and prose to be like living in cage.
Being honest means being truthful in all the aspects of life. It is not only about not telling lies but is also about never hurting anyone, not involving in any bad habits, activities or behavior. Generally, honest persons never involve themselves in morally wrong activities. They live by ethical rules and morality. If you want to be honest, you should first behave well, be disciplined, and speak the truth. When a person is honest in all his actions, he gets trusted by everyone in his surroundings. Moreover, he enjoys lots of happiness and blessings as there is no evil in heart. But honesty can only be obtained through practice.
This is just instructions on how to upload your written exam to what I assume is for your school. Maybe you entered the wrong question.
The root mort means death and the prefix im means not. This prefix is used in many other English words such as immaculate, immature, immediate, imminent, immeasurable, etc., and negates the effect of the root word.
In the case of im + mort, the word immortal means not dead or never experiencing death. Another way of expressing this idea is a never-ending or undending existence.