Even though democracy in theory must be something almost completely free of influence, all the influence of the people who have more power in society is still great, and it increases as social inequality grows
In situations where the population is in favor of deconcentrating income and wealth, this will has not found support in the political arena. On the one hand, there are those who insist on denying the problem, stating that the growth of social inequality does not produce adverse effects for society; on the other, there are those who declare that nothing can be done about the matter, since the culprits would be the <u>“market forces”</u>, neutral and impersonal economic mechanisms.
Pros of globalization:
-It can increase trading ,and the developing countries would have an greater access to market overseas,hence the more developed countries would be able to enjoy cheaper goods while the developing countries would be able to buy goods with higher quality.
-It promote cultural intermingling and countries would be able to learning more about other cultures, thus building up mutual respect to each other. This is likely to lower the possibility of discrimination and divergence between people. It would also promote initiatives to create new ideas and products.
-There would be a loss of cultural divergence,which is important to building one's cultural identity as well as self-identity.
-It could potentially widen the poverty gap. Large multinational corporations are likely to dominate the market thus threatening the opportunities for local corporations or smaller brands survival.
Hope it helps!
Arabs and Jews
Israel(Jewish population) and Palestine(Arabs) have a complex claim tot he same tract of land, They were split up by the British when imperialism was ending, but the split was complex, and many pockets and separated areas were there, unlike India and Pakistan. But one group (Israelis), had the clear advantage and took over the entire tract of land and kept the Palestinians hostage, they also isolated a set of land which has economic disparity to this day. But the Palestinians attacked first in order to take all of the land so some see it as fit, that the Israelis had them in the situation they are in right now.
The Cuban Missile Crisis was one of the most tense parts of the Cold War and was going to lead to world nuclear war of conflicts got any tender because there were very dangerous weapons facing the Us only a short distance away in Cuba.