Divide the numerator by the denominator and any remaining values go back above the denominator.
17 / 4 is an improper fraction. To turn it into a proper fraction we do 17 divided by 4.
17 / 4 is 4 with a remainder of 4. So we put the 4 on the outside and the 1 back above the denominator, which is 4.
It ends up looking like this:
The "rule" being described here is nothing more than the input/output of a mathematical function.
For every input 'x' value supplied, you only need to subtract three to it. For every input 'y' value, you only need to add four to it.
Example: I'll use variable 'm' to represent this function. Variable 'p' will represent the current input point.
m(p) = p[x - 3, y + 4] = p[-7 - 3, 0 + 4] = p[-10, 4]. 'p[]" is just the point.
I tried my best hope that help!
When there are variables with exponents on the bottom you have to subtract the ones on the bottom from the ones on the top. Then if the exponent is negative you have to flip it.
Yeah, x= 7/2 and y= -5/2
Please mark as brainliest and I hope this helps