Probably D. After all,it’s the most prolific time of his life(I am not sure tho)
The answer is: A. quickly decide on the main points she’d like to address and how to transition from one point to the next
prevalence → verb → to prevail
potentially → noun → potential
vulnerable → noun → vulnerability
accessible → verb → to access
censorship → adverb → censorious
volunteer → adjective → voluntary
dubious → noun → dubiousness
system → adjective → systematic
regular → verb → to regulate
suitability → verb → to suit
In the English language, especially when it comes to words originated from Latin, it is common to change words with the addition or removal of certain parts -- the affixes. Notice, for example, that to transform "vulnerable" into a noun, we added a suffix (an ending): "vulnerability". On the other hand, to transform "censorship" into an adverb, we changed suffixes: "censorious". It is important to know and understand the use of affixes. They are a helpful means to figure out the meanings of new words.
The answer is D " Making sure you're heard"
1: One of the bad habits that members of a debate could have is to not listen what the other members are saying because they are focused on his own points of view.
2: The discussion technique "making sure you're heard" tries to avoid that this happens by repeating or paraphrasing one of the claims that other person proposed in the debate.
3: In this example this technique was used as could be noticed by the use of the phrase "So you're saying that...", which implies that the speaker is repeating something that someone else said before.
Hope this helps ;)