Simile- <span>My phone slipped through my fingers like butter
Personification- </span><span>The face of my phone had many scars from being dropped
Symbol- </span><span>My phone is my lifeline to the world</span>
bt evaluating problems in the text
Its a decigram. if it were meter, then it would therefore be decimeter,
The purpose of the conclusion of a narrative, regardless of the name it receives is to establish an outcome for the story, where the characters conclude and end the conflict in which they were involved.
The conclusion is a part of the narrative that can be called "resolution", "outcome" and many other names, but all with the same effect, of causing the ending sentence, something that has been concluded. This is because the main purpose of the conclusion is to provide an ending to the story through its ability to show facts, where the characters end the conflict in which they were involved, thus ending the story that was being told.