I’m going to try to give this to you via comment section because it includes too many words.
(Now, this is something I pulled off the web. You could turn this in, but I don’t recommend that. Just read over this instead of the actual book if you don’t have enough time, and rewrite some of it in your own words, or rewrite it all yourself based on this.)
Stage Fright is the feeling that could occur when someone has to preform, present, or give a speech in front of an audience. Stage fright can happen no matter the size of the audience. Symptoms could consist of trouble breathing, sweating, stuttering, etc.
The plague broke out in London; the people ran away in panic. NO problem answering you correctly!!
The sergeant asked the Bishop if any of his silver was missing.
Indirect speech is a way of relaying information without directly quoting the speaker. Usually it is done as a reported speech.
Therefore, the direct speech "my lord, is any of your silver missing? " the sergeant said to the Bishop becomes "The sergeant asked the Bishop if any of his silver was missing."