they should all get along so we ha e peace
1. Life term
2. separation of powers
3. legislative branch
4. criminal
5. the jury
4 years are Senators
2 years are House of Representatives
Judicial review reviews to see if it is unconstitutional
Execututive branch enforces the law
Legislative makes the law
civil court is mostly settling disputes between parties
The WPA created jobs for the unemployed.
The Works Progress Administration was established in 1935, under the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration.
The WPA did employ artists and musicians and actors and such, but the WPA was only for American citizens, as the country worked to fight its way out of the Great Depression.
People weren't paid to remain unemployed. Rather, the government created projects for which they hired persons to do work.
WPA projects included some building of roads, bridges and other public projects, but the national interstate highway system was something done later in US history, under the Eisenhower administration.
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In 1898, the Spanish-American War broke out. The US became a powerhouse in Asia thanks to this conflict. With the annexation of Guam and the Philippines, the US expanded its sway over Asia. A peace treaty was concluded between the two nations following the conflict.
As a result of the United States' success in the war, the Spanish were forced to renounce their claims to Cuba and hand up control of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to the United States in a peace treaty. During the battle, the US also annexed Hawaii, an independent state.
The US gained ownership of and/or influence over a large number of additional areas as a result of its victory in the Spanish American War. A new far-flung empire was formed as a result of these and other geographical acquisitions.
To learn more about Spanish-American War
I hope this helps it’s a paper all about Albert fish