Answer: B
on bankers, stockbrokers, and big business owners
Two Weeks
Major Depressive Disorder or simply Depression is a serious mental disorder characterised by periods of low, sunken moods, withdrawal and lack of interest in everyday activities like talking, eating, socializing.
The will to stay alive begins to gradually ebb as the victim is no longer interested in life and begins to withdraw from people.
The victim may also start hallucinating by seeing or hearing things that do not exist.
However for a person to be confirmed as depressed, the symptoms must have lasted for a minimum period of two weeks
Which country are we talking about ?do you mean in general ?
How did the U.S. Supreme Court decide?
The U.S. Supreme Court held that the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) does not permit courts to invalidate a contractual waiver of legal rights based solely on the grounds that a plaintiff's dispute resolution costs exceed any potential amounts to be recovered.
Settlers in the old west best fits this question
The Death Valley '49ers were a group of pioneers from the Eastern United States that endured a long and difficult journey during the late 1840s California Gold Rush to prospect in the Sutter's Fort area of the Central Valley and Sierra Nevada in California. Everyone came and settled in the west insearch of gold.