It was about the revoluionar war
In the early 1800s, several semi-skilled trade unions formed – once again, Philadelphia unions played a major role - and factory strikes and walkouts became more common
hope this helps
English bill of rights to create American bill of rights
The Magna Carta which limited the kings power, which is similar to the separation of power and the philosophy of limited government here in the U.S. today.
Peace Corps
JFK had this diplomatic approach of achieving the US's imagine and hegemony but spreading our ideals to developing countries. Therefore to create a "pure" presence in the world.
While most people were Africans, a small group of French aristocrats controlled the government.
The slave owners, both white and people of color, feared the slaves and knew that the incredible concentration of slaves (the slaves outnumbered the free people 10-1) required exceptional control. This, in part, accounts for the special harshness and cruelty of slavery in Saint-Domingue.