Answer: A general partner has the authority to act on behalf of the business without the Important: The general partner shares the expenses and responsibilities of will become the general partner while the others will have limited liability.
Trader nomads : They bought and sold these goods as they moved from one place to another, transporting them on their animals. The Banjaras were trader-nomads who bought grain where it was cheaply available and carried it to places where it was dearer.
Tribe : a tribe is a human social group which mainly live in a forested region and survive by hunting animals and by carrying out shifting cultivation. They have their own culture, religious beliefs and traditions which are completely different from mainstream practices
Causes of the War of 1812. At the outset of the 19th century, Great Britain was locked in a long and bitter conflict with Napoleon Bonaparte's France. ... In 1809, the U.S.<span> Congress repealed Thomas Jefferson's unpopular Embargo Act, which by restricting trade had hurt </span>Americans<span> more than either Britain or France.</span>
The highest elected political office within the Roman Republic was the consul. The consul was the official who had the most judicial influence in the Roman Republic and commanded the military. Every year, citizens would elect two different consuls to oversee the Republic who served a one-year term and each commanded two legions which equated to roughly 3,000 men in each legion. After the establishment of the Roman Empire, the consuls lost most power and were used as symbolic figures to display the heritage and culture of Rome.
Leaders tried to build support for their views by organizing political parties.