This issue of racism is popular by name but tends to be sugar coated by the way people see it. In order to truly understand racism you need to take a bite into the topic in order to get a taste of what it is really like. Racism comes in many different forms and can be seen many different ways. But why even care about racism at all? Why does it even matter? One would think that with such a harsh background regarding racism in America it would no longer exist in society today. But sadly that is not the case here, racism continues to show up all over the country sometimes being worse than others but still racism is racism.
People should all be considered equal regardless of what they look like, talk like, or even do that makes them who they are. Not only is racism wrong and makes people feel terrible about whom they are but it makes the person being racist look even worse. Racism is something that is completely rude and ignorant to do to a group of people. One does not choose if they are White, Black, Asian, or anything. It’s something that you are born as and to be mocked and made fun of for that is just ridiculous. Without all these different types of people and everyone trying to come together for a single goal we may not be able to discover new things and advance our society
I think it's the first one. It reveals how differently White Fang and the humans view their environment. I think it's that because the passage reveals nothing about White Fang doesn't trust humans or that he forgot about his life in the wild. The passage tells us that White Fang has never seen this before and is impressed. But then fears it because he thinks it might try to hurt him. Which shows how he views his environment differently from humans.
math is not my favourite subject I just hate it
The correct answer is: Anne Bonny.
Anne Bonny was one of the most famous female pirates during the Golden Age. She was born in Ireland, but later she moved to America (to the Province of Carolina) when she was 10 years old. When she grew up, she fell in love with Calico Jack Rackham, who was a pirate, and she became one herself. She participated in many pirate fights and fought with more skill than any other male pirate.