The longitudinal lines represent the local time and the prime meridian represents GMT. India follows its local time which is known as IST (Indian Standard time). Every longitude line is 15o apart from each other and for every 15, there is a time lag of two hours.
Guaranteed equal protection of the laws.
Lewis and Clark, led an expedition to survey the land West of the Mississippi, request of President Thomas
Jefferson. The land that they were exploring was known as Louisiana Territory, that had been purchased from France in
1803. Lewis, Clark and the rest of their expedition began their journey
near St. Louis, Missouri, in May 1804. This group—often called the Corps
of Discovery by historians—faced nearly every obstacle and hardship imaginable on their trip.
there is an expansion in abilities of the president during a wartime. the president gains many authorities that he would not have had prior. the president is commander in chief of the military first and foremost, and during a war, the focus of the president will likely shift off of other issues to focus on protection of the country.