The factors that led to the fall of the Ottoman Empire during the 1700s is given below.
During the 1500s, the Ottoman Empire was known to be the most powerful and prosperous, ruled over the 15th and 16th century. The empire formed a huge military and economic powers in the world by controlling vast territories. Asia Minor, southeastern Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa were part of the Ottoman Empire. But the empire didn’t last for long and went into a slow decline. The industrial revolution began in Europe in the 1700s while the Ottoman economy continued dependence on agriculture. Another reason for the decline was the long line of weak sultans leads to empire fall. For decades sultans killing their brothers and left throne for their sons who were not qualified to rule.
There were several causes that lead to the Cold War. The most important ideological conflict was that the Soviets believed in Communism and rest of the worl including United States of America disliked Communism. Soviets were against capitalism and the Americans were in favor of capitalism. The Soviets were also afraid of the nuclear bombs that United States possessed during that time and it was a grave security concern for the Soviets.
Jim Crow laws were state and local laws passed where white southerners reasserted their dominance by denying African Americans basic social, economic, and civil rights. Examples school segagration, right to vote, and interracial marriage
The answer is ''To exercise diplomacy or force''
Between 1812 and the American Civil war, the Untied States was gradually becoming a major regional player.
It was both growing in Territory as well as the economy.
It was also looking to develop a powerful Navy and gave officers to right to carry out diplomacy with the nations they encounter or use force if necessary.