Yes, it is referred as the Golden Age of China
Polytheism is the belief in many gods.
A). studying the elections in countries where compulsory voting has already been implemented -apex
The shogunate was never liked or agreed with the kabuki and all the shame it brought, particularly the variety of the social classes which mixed at kabuki performances.
The Kabuki dance was banned because it was thought to be too erotic. Young boys also performed wakashū-kabuki, but they were eligible for prostitution, and soon banned wakashū-kabuki as well.
Kabuki switched to adult male actors, which were cross dressers, called yaro-kabuki, in the mid-1600s.
The south was mainly agricultural, cultivating cotton in some form was most people's entire livelihood, creating sort of a cultural divide from the north. plus, the menial and arduous labour in the south was incredibly appealing for slave owners, but this didn't happen in the north where factories and mills were everywhere and staffed by non enslaved people. cotton united the two by the south growing it and the north turning it into textiles and other finished products. together they had quite a good system since each part was able to specialize