H - hilarious
A - agile
U - useful
K - kind
K - knowledgeable
A - analytical
H - happy
An acrostic poem is something where a certain word is taken and a word or phrase is written using that specific letter.
Best Regards,
Wolfyy :)
"Cloudy Day" by Jimmy Santiago Baca is to show how there can always be sunshine on a cloudy day. Meaning that no matter how bad things are, it could possibly b worse, so we should always be optimistic.
The purpose of the flashback is to show how the speaker has changed from the start of his prison time to the end.
As shown in this excerpt from the story, " ...the wind in my face gave me the feeling I could grasp the tower like a cornstalk..." (Lines 15 & 16) This quote shows that even though he was in the prison he still felt powerful.
The best title to the excerpt above that also summarizes the points provided is:
<span>the importance of getting adequate sleep at night
The situations presented are related to the importance of getting enough sleep for adults and adolescents. The advantages and disadvantages of having ample hours of sleep at night are also highlighted.
The purpose of the reporters formula to let the reporter make sure that a story is thoroughly told. The reporters formula is set of questions , which when answered will help the reporter to compose quality content . The questions are: Who is the central figure(s) in the story
?, What took place?
, When did it happen?
, Where did it take place?
, Why did it occur?
, How did it happen?.