The novel takes place in Lorain, Ohio (Morrison's hometown), and tells the story of a young African-American girl named Pecola who grew up following the Great Depression. Set in 1941, the story tells that she is consistently regarded as "ugly" due to her mannerisms and dark skin.
1. Happy
2. Tired
3. Sad
4. Angry
5. Scared
6. Suprised
you feel happy when you're around someone you enjoy talking to, you feel tired after a long day of work, you feel sad when you lose your favorite pair of socks, you feel angry when your sister steals your favorite shirt, you feel scared when you think you see a shadow at the corner of your eye, you feel surprised when someone surprises you on your birthday.
Hope this helps :)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. C
Hope this helps :)
Miller's story <em>The Crucible </em>is about Salem witch hunts, but only on the surface. In the story, we can see Puritans hunting innocent people and burning them at stakes just because there was a slight possibility in their minds that they might be witches.
However, metaphorically, the entire story is a criticism of McCarthyism. McCarthy was so paranoid about communists that he organized "witch hunts" in order to find them in America and eradicate them from the country.