A. Czech poet Jan Neruda
Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto better known Pablo Neruda was one of the greatest Latin American authors of all the time. Originally from Chile, he adopted in 1925 the pseydonym from the famous Czech poet Jan Neruda.
<em>Neruda was heavily influentiated by Gabriella Mistral that introduced him to European major works in poetry and specially favored Russian literature from which he learned the most. </em>
Neruda became a very important literary influence not only in Latin America, but his poetry extended beyond and in 1971 hi recieved Nobel Prize for Literature.
Here is an excerpt of one of his widest known works:
I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,the arrow of
carnations the fire shoots off./I love you as certain dark things are
to be loved,/in secret, between the shadow and the soul.