Slaves saw emancipation as more than an end to slavery, but also education, voting rights, and rights before the law. The 13th Amendment passed in January 1865 ending slavery in the Union and ensuring that under US control, slaves in the south would be freed.
There isn’t exactly one specific person that is recorded that invented bricks... but around 4400 BC in chengtoushan which is a walled daxi settlement.
Your correct answer is B, they did not intimidate or enslave Natives. They were at least less selfish than the Spanish, and traded with the Natives, instead of stealing or enslaving.
<span>James K. Polk’s intentions were clear from the start his famous campaign slogan, “54-40 or Fight!” indicated his intention to settle the status of the Oregon Territory with Great Britain on American terms. American naval forces arrived in Monterrey and took control of the port without firing a shot and tack over under Commodore Robert F. Stockton to capture San Francisco, San Diego, and Los Angeles without bloodshed.</span>