1. The person's hands, after touching the raw meat and not washing their hands; The knife, when they used the same knife to cut raw meat then proceeded to cut vegetables and fruit.
2. They could have washed their hands, the knife the counter and cutting board in between uses.
3. The school should provide specific instructions to the substitute. These will show how/when to wash the materials.
4. You would have to thoroughly wash all materials to ensure no food poisoning happens.
There are multiple ways to burn calories such as doing workouts, running etc but if you would like to enhance it you could go on diets (Eat or drink certain foods such as Coffee that is known to boost the metabolism and burn more calories) You could also slowly start to disinclude certain items in your fooy pyramid such as dairy (or lessen the intake of dairy and fatty foods).
umm cat camel maybe hahah
TRACEM-P stands for :
T- Thermal
R- Radiological
A -Asphyxiation
C- Chemical
E- Etiological
M - Mechanical
P - Psychological >> Your answer
B.or a cause i was in nursing for a year but i left sooo i hope i helped ~chelsea xoxo