I don’t know mane I just need help . And i think it exponentially increased
I have no idea what book or story you are talking about, but based on my knowledge of Law... asking a person the same question over and over and cause a reaction in their fight or flight extinct, the person will start to become worried and they'll either start changing their answer or they'll break down completely. I'm guessing the when Hathorne asked the same question several times to Sarah, she started to get nervous.
I hope this kinda helped
Option: c. Cherokees
The Muskogean languages are indigenous to the southeastern United States. In Southeast cultural area, indigenous peoples are the Cherokee, Apalachee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Koasati, Hitchiti-Mikasuki, Creek and Seminole. The dominant of this language among the Indian nations are in the Southeast. Before the settlement of Europeans in the southeastern area, the Muskogean languages spoken in the area like Louisiana, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, and Florida, which is part of states present.
Accepting other people's religious beliefs.
To prevent the spread of communism to the south Vietnam