people doesn't pay credit card in the 1920s
hope that helps
<u>Poetic tribute about the spirit of the United States:</u>
My nation is for adoration
So state its valleys
Where old waterways stream
The round trip of life
Under the pleased eye of winged creatures
Embellishing the sky.
O wonderful for roomy skies,
For golden floods of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Over the fruited plain!
Love America Love America once more.
Love the fantasy it used to be.
Love the pioneer on the plain
Looking for a home where the Mind smiles
Be that as it may, the most bizarre thing yet was a fly without wings
Once as a fly it played in the stars
Singing, with open mouths, with happy soul for the country!
Imma say b
Stereotypes arent usually right so whn ppl start stereotyping,that doesnt give ppl to have an right perception on wht is being stereotyped
Agnatha (Ancient Greek is a superclass of jawless fish in the phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata, consisting of both present (cyclostomes) and extinct (conodonts and ostracoderms) species. The group is sister to all vertebrates with jaws, known as gnathostomes.
Recent molecular data, both from as well as embryological data[8] strongly supports the hypothesis that living agnathans, the cyclostomes, are monophyletic.
The oldest fossil agnathans appeared in the Cambrian, and two groups still survive today: the lampreys and the hagfish, comprising about 120 species in total. Hagfish are considered members of the subphylum Vertebrata, because they secondarily lost vertebrae; before this event was inferred from molecular and developmental data, the group Craniata was created by Linnaeus (and is still sometimes used as a strictly morphological descriptor) to reference hagfish plus vertebrates. In addition to the absence of jaws, modern agnathans are characterised by absence of paired fins; the presence of a notochord both in larvae and adults; and seven or more paired gill pouches. Lampreys have a light sensitive pineal eye (homologous to the pineal gland in mammals). All living and most extinct Agnatha do not have an identifiable stomach or any appendages. Fertilization and development are both external. There is no parental care in the Agnatha class. The Agnatha are ectothermic or cold blooded, with a cartilaginous skeleton, and the heart contains 2 chambers.
While a few scientists still regard the living agnathans as only superficially similar, and argue that many of these similarities are probably shared basal characteristics of ancient vertebrates, recent classification clearly place hagfish (the Myxini or Hyperotreti) with the lampreys (Hyperoartia) as being more closely related to each other than either is to the jawed fishes.
197,650 - 124,636 = 73, 014