It’s gotta be B, the other answers make sense while that one doesn’t at all...
A run-on sentence.
A sentence fragment is a group of words that looks like a sentence, but actually isn't a complete sentence. For example, 'I like cheeseburgers' is an independent clause. Sentence fragments never have independent clauses, but instead are dependent clauses or phrases. So, it would not worked.
A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses (also known as complete sentences) are connected improperly.
A grammatically correct sentence is when a sentence is grammatically correct.
I said this is a run on sentence, because there is no comma or any type of puntuation between spaghetti and I.
Sometimes he whirled down the incline of a wave as if he were on a hand sled.
The man is clearly in a context of desperation or at least difficulty, stuck out at sea on a life preserver. The imagery brings one of a childlike delight or a fun situation. However that is contrary to the actual situation. The man clings to a life preserver, trying to survive, not have fun, but nature rolls on, indifferent to this man's plight.
I would put B! It is the opposite of Snow White.