Summer camp is important because it is an avenue for children to socialize.
Summer camp helps children to be independent and self-confident.
Summer camp gives room for growth as they learn new things through interactions with new friends.
Summer camp is a program organized for children and teenagers for a specific period during summer.
Summer camp is a whole new experience as it allows you leave your comfort zone to acquire new and build on old skills without the fear of failing. It gives you wide range of chances to try new things. It leads to creativity.
It also fun packed and full of entertainments as fun games are being organized. Games such as, swimming, races as well as toys to play with.
it is a positive experience because it helps children and teenagers face challenges and learn the value of hard work. The importance of hard work is overemphasized because children need to work hard to accomplish the goal they set to achieve.
The details in the passage show that the Arctic Day adds suspense and terror among the folk attended. This meaning it is dread upon whom are around to witness. As said "As darkness came on the hunting cries to right and left rear drew closer so close that more than once they sent surges fear through the toiling dogs - sending them into panic".
The adverb " very " modifies the adjective " useful ".