A landslide moves a lot of the earth down a slope at one time
The diagram above shows you a large intrusive igneous body called a batholith. A batholith is the largest of the intrusive bodies. They are larger than 100 square kilometers and usually form granite cores. As you can see in the diagram above a batholith is a very large intrusive igneous body.
As the spacing between isobars increases, the horizontal pressure gradient force and wind speed decrease.
The closer the spacing of isobars, the stronger is the strain gra- dient force. The stronger the stress gradient pressure, the stronger is the wind. thus, intently spaced isobars mean strong winds; extensively spaced isobars imply lighter wind.
The relationship between isobar spacing and wind velocity is that the closer the isobar spacing then the stronger the wind velocity. The spacing among isobars represents a stress differential among those two isobars. when two isobars are nearer together then the stress changes at a greater rate over distance.
The lines around high and low strain on a climate map are called isobars, or lines of equal stress, as shown in the above image on the left. While isobars are near together it is very windy; while they are further aside, conditions are more calm. The wind around highs usually blows in a clockwise direction.
Learn more about Isobars here:-
The mantle is actually a liquid. The intense heat of the core of the Earth causes the mantle to move in convection currents.