I really don’t know this answer. Have you tried looking it up ?
If you could dig a tunnel right through the Earth you could theoretically free-fall to the centre of our planet in just eighteen minutes. You can’t, of course: such a tunnel would have to tolerate temperatures as high as the surface of the Sun and pressures three and a half million times greater than those at the Earth’s surface.
Measuring the amount of deu terium in the universe allows us to set a limit on the density of ordinary matter of universe. Density of the universe is about 9×10-27 kg m-3, because of the way in which deu terium was created in the Big B ang, an exact measurement of the amount of deuterium would allow scientists to set limits on the models of the great explosion.
(B.) Constitutional monarchy
The power of monarchs is limited by a fundamental set of laws in a(n) <u>Constitutional monarchy</u><u>.</u>