7 live 8 cadency 9 foregoing 10 plan 11 aim 12 incredible 13 antonyms 14 synonyms 15 antonyms 16 synonyms 17 synonyms 18 antonyms
<u>secondhand or second-hand</u>
A compound adjective is an adjective made up of two or more words, in which either of those words can be a noun, an adverb, a verb in their past participle form or a verb in their present participle form. Most of the time, these words are joined by a hyphen. The word <em>secondhand</em> is an adjective because it describes the noun "smoke", and it is compound because it is made up f two nouns <em>second </em>and<em> hand</em>. This adjective can also be separated with a hyphen: <em>second-hand.</em>
The other word that may look like a compound adjective, but it is not one, is well-being, because it is a word made up of an adverb + the verb be in their present participle form, HOWEVER, it does not act as an adjective but as a noun.
He avenges Caesar and killed himself by running into his own sword.
After having learned of the death of his allies, Cassius and Titinius, Brutus attempt one last time to battle the Romans commanded by Antony and Octavius but lost.
During the battle he saw the ghost of Caesar and believed that it was his time to die, so he asked to one of his men to hold his sword while he runs against it to kill himself. He impaled himself and declared that Caesar should himself avenged.
I hope this answer helps you.