Will Harhar Kaka be of more service after coming from Thakurbar?
According to google translate ठाकुरबार सेआनेके बाद हरहर काका क यादा सेवा य होनेलगी ? Means
Will Harhar Kaka be of more service after coming from Thakurbar
Answer : An Extremely
Hint: Hoary also means "ice-covered"
I hope that's help !
I agree with that person actually
If I were a Buddhist, I would be a Theravada Buddhist
because I connect more to the Theravada teachings.
The teachings are: Theravada Buddhism stresses spirituality, the enlightenment of the individual, self-discipline, the importance or pure thought and deed, the importance of the monastic life and the strict observance of the ancient Vinaya code It has distinct roles for monks and lay people, emphasizes that each individual is responsible for his or her salvation and takes the position that only monks are capable of reaching nirvana. Theravada Buddhism believes that it has remained closest to the original teachings of the Buddha.