You seem to forget including the choices in this question. Nevertheless, to help you, I could just tell what a superlative is so you could identify it on your own.
Superlatives are adjectives that are expressed in their greatest extent. For example, when you describe something so beautiful than any other thing you've ever seen, you describe it as 'most beautiful'. Another example is, if you've never been so happy in your life, you are the 'happiest'. So, generally, superlatives are written as a suffix -est or you add the word 'most' before the adjective.
Option 4 is the correct answer
Answer: C. Both poems mention a splash Icarus made when he landed in the water.
I believe it's deceit because when helmer asked if she had ever taken a bite of the Macaroon Nora got very defensive and sounded nervious.
If you triple 4, that would be 12. Then if you subtract 2 every day it would take 6 days.