Commodity Money that is used as a means of exchange such as gold, silver, copper, salt, peppercorns, tea, giant stones.Some of the examples of commodity money are gold and Silver coins.
The term representative money has been used for different means. Representative money is an object such as a token or piece of paper that has no natural value but can be replaced on demand for a stock that does have natural value, such as gold, silver, and copper.
Fiat money does not have any inherent value. For example paper money and coinage.
I believe that community money is most valuable because it acts as medium of exchange and can support financial institutions and organizations to fund local businesses and individuals within the same community or geographic area.
Because of the location of the equator.
Answer:The British most likely thought they could “bully” the colonies back into submission after the multiple riots that occurred but the Americans had their hearts set on the goal of liberty.
Answer: The answer is c. for plato users.
The biggest difference between the State Department and the Defense Department is that "the State Department deals with diplomacy, and the Defense Department manages the military," because these two tasks are different but sometimes intertwined in the sense that combat results from a diplomatic failure.
men into a military or naval force by compulsion, with or without notice.
hope i helped