All of these are the components of the catabolic pathway or using the nutrients to provide energy from it. The breakdown of food molecules begins in the mouth and continues to the small intestine. The nutrients are absorbed through the wall of the small intestine which. The surface of the intestine wall is specially modified (contains a huge number of hair-like structures-microvilli) which increase nutrient absorption. (more area for nutrients to be absorbed). The digestive tract is lined with mucosa which consists of simple columnar epithelial cells. Monomer subunits of the food, like glucose are than absorbed and diffused down a concentration gradient into capillary blood. Glucose is converted into pyruvate molecules through the process of glycolysis. Catabolism ends in the major energy-converting organelle, the mitochondrion, where the ATP is produced.
Cladistics is based on the shared characteristics between organisms and their network of evolutionary relationships
Function and structure are related, because of a certain structure a living thing make contain makes the object function the way it does. ... The relationship of a structure and function is the structuring levels from molecules to organism ensure successful functioning in all living organism and living system.