Maybe contact Brainly with their email if they have one if they don’t respond I would gladly like to help you
Strength: It was a good plan
Weakness: It was never implemented as intended by the author
Business monopolies.
In the late 19th century and early 20th, most companies were looking to form monopolies. By decreasing or nullifying the competition, the business's success was assured.
As an example, the Standard Oil Company, founded by John D. Rockefeller was one of the most powerful monopolies of its time. He was able to dictate fixed products, pay whatever wages he wanted to pay to workers, and controlled the market since his competitors weren't remotely close to his manufacturing levels.
However, it didn't lack opposition. in 1890 United States Senator John Sherman, attained the passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890, which allowed the Federal Government to break up any business who was in any way prohibiting competition. This act was widely used throughout the whole century, in the fight against monopolies.
There are many different trains of thought that lead Americans to their own mindset about the aid of Middle Eastern independence.
Generally speaking, there are many people who believe that the United States should be the Police of the world or the hero of smaller countries and help them since they have the power to do so.
Others believe that the United States has no rights of interfering in foreign affairs and should mind their own business.
There are those who just don't agree with the idea of sending kids to die for other countries as well, no matter why.