They helped to end slavery
In writing this headline I would suggest focusing on the perspective of each party based upon their political views. A colonial patriot would support this action and applaud the revolutionary method of protest. However, a loyalist would consider this act treasonous and would not support it.
they had bunkers and they planned to watch from a short distance wxay and film event
they set up filming lights were welder's glasses, and suntan lotion
The life of a slave was often as unbearable as a life can be. They could not be sure they will not be killed at any instant, without a warning, or tortured, or even forced to torture others.
Some slaves probably favoured death to their fate, and felt that even a slight chance at improvement was worth the risk. Perhaps they hoped they would be either killed or freed, and not tortured, and perhaps they would be tortured anyway by their cruel masters, In a way, for many escape was they only option that offered any sort of hope for a bearable life for them.