I believe that the difference is that space is like when you have a desk and there is still enough volume to place something inside and outer space is the universe (outside the Earth's atmosphere , that is the area where there are stars planets etc...)
Ability to pronounce, interpret and recitation are most imporatnt in influencing reading comprehension.
Reading is an Art which should include the following traits . That are :-
1. Understanding- It is important that the reader understand what the person is reading as clarity is required.
2. Preparation- A pre-homework one by the reader help him to read the text with more confidence.
3.Skimming- It means when the reader gets general idea of the meaning of the text so that the reader would take care of the expressions as well.
After reading the 2 first paragraph of the memoirs in the “Night”, it could be said that the reader gets the impression that he/she is hearing a cautionary or precocious tale about the dangers of complacency while about to face a great evil.
A main current or a stream of liquid or gas