In 1912 Alfred Wegener (1880-1930) noticed the same thing and proposed that the continents were once compressed into a single protocontinent which he called Pangaea (meaning "all lands"), and over time they have drifted apart into their current distribution.

The unit of electric current that is equal to the flow of one Coulomb per second.
Ampere or ‘amp’ is a unit of electric current denoted by A. It is named after the French Physicist and Mathematician Andre-Marie Ampere, who is considered as the ‘Father of Electrodynamics’.
C. plagioclase
From the magma silicate crystals are formed successively when the magma temperature reaches the typical melting temperature for each type of crystal. The first crystals formed at high temperatures can then change their composition or dissolve again. In this way the crystals already formed contribute their ions, molecules and atoms to magma and combine again forming new crystals whose melting temperature is lower than that of the first crystals formed. The new crystals are said to be stable at the lowest temperatures set now. These processes of change are called reactions. As several successive reactions occur as the magma temperature decreases the ordered series of reactions is called the BOWEN series in honor of the Canadian scientist who formulated this concept. There are two types of reactions, the continuous reaction and the discontinuous reaction.
By continuous reaction a crystal formed at high temperatures such as a plagioclase rich in the Ca2 +</u> component gradually varies its composition by replacing a portion of the Ca2 + ions with the Na + ions and a portion of the Al3 + ions with the Si4 + ions. To maintain its neutrality, the replacement of Ca2 + by Na + is coupled with the replacement of Al3 + by Si4 +. The series of continuous reaction starts from the plagioclase rich in Ca2 +, passes through several plagioclase of intermediate composition towards the plagioclase rich in Na +
March equinox is day during the year when all the daylight of the sun is asme at sunrise and sunset.
- Equinox is the time when the plane of the earth passes through the centre of the sun. Occurring around 23 March and 23 Sept. The vernal equinox is also called as the spring equinox.
- The azimuth of the sun is the angle of the sun's position defined by the relative direction along the horizon. However the most commonly followed convection for analyzing the sun radiation is 90 degrees east, south 180 degrees and west is 270 degrees.
- As sunrise and sunset are defined by the upper limb of the solar disk. These conditions produce patterns of night and day as the sun appears to move just above the horizon at an angle of 0.39 degrees per day as the equinox passes.
El país depende de la agricultura.
En Uganda, el 16% de la población es urbana y el 84% rural, las implicaciones sociales de esta proporción de poblaciones son malas para la economía porque más personas viven en las aldeas relacionadas con la agricultura y menos personas viven en las ciudades significa que menos personas trabaja en las industrias y oficinas. Debido a que hay menos gente en las zonas urbanas y más en las zonas rurales, el país todavía depende de la agricultura en comparación con las industrias, lo que conduce a una mala situación económica del país.