One risk for accessing carbon from the ground is that it may cause soil contamination. Soil when exposed to large amount of gases and other organically decaying materials can absorb these into their make-up. Fossil fuels are extracted from the ground through drilling processes. When the drilling is unsuccessful, pockets created within the soil can create areas for contamination. When soil is contaminated by fossil fuels, it can no longer be use for agricultural purposes.
The disease is spread from chimpanzees, who are infected with a very dangerous virus that induces rage. These infected chimps are held captive in a laboratory, but a group of animal activists sets out to liberate them. So, they get infected too, and spread the infection further.
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Earth’s global temperature has changed greatly in the past hundreds of years. This is due to how much energy the planet is receiving from the sun and how it radiates back. Another cause is humans, due to deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, pollution, etc.