A ditadura militar foi, entre tantos outros fatos notáveis da história do Brasil, o que mais manchou a biografia do nosso país. Este período é marcado pelo despotismo<span>, veto aos direitos estabelecidos pela constituição, opressão policial e militar, encarceramentos e suplício dos oponentes. A censura aos canais de informação e à produção cultural, ou seja, a editoração de livros, a produção cinematográfica e tudo que fosse referente à televisão, foi intensa, tudo era acompanhado muito de perto pelos censores do governo. O objetivo principal era passar à população a idéia de que o país se encontrava na mais perfeita ordem, os jornais foram calados, obrigados a publicarem desde poesias até receitas no lugar das verdadeiras atrocidades pelas quais o país passava.</span>
By 1650, however, England had established a dominant presence on the Atlantic coast. The first colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. Many of the people who settled in the New World came to escape religious persecution. The Pilgrims, founders of Plymouth, Massachusetts, arrived in 1620.
The Italian Prime Minister Orlando didn't speak English,and as this was the language used by the other 3 members of the Big Four Allied powers,he felt left out and sidelined. It became clear that Britain and France were going to renege on the promises of territorial gains they had made to Italy in 1915 to get Italy to join the war on the Allied side. France and Britain had come to the conclusion that Italy had been more of a liability than an aset during the war - considerable aid in terms of arms and other supplies had been sent to Italy,as well as thousands of French and British troops,to prevent an Ital;ian collapse.Orlando thus wasn't held in very high regard by Clemenceau or Lloyd George. So really combination of these factors caused Orlando to walk out of the conference in a huff,feeling he and Italy as a nation had been insulted.