The chloroplast and the cell wall
a. carry genetic information that influences the same traits.
Homologous chromosomes are the pairs of chromosomes. One chromosome of a pair is derived from the egg cell while the other comes from sperms. Two chromosomes of a pair carry the gene for the same traits. For example, two copies of chromosome 21 would carry the genes for the same traits in humans. However, these two chromosomes of a homologous pair may have the same or different alleles for a particular gene.
If chromosome 21 carries the gene for eye color in humans, the paternal chromosome may have the allele for blue eyes while the maternal chromosome may carry the allele for the black eyes. However, both of them have the "gene for the same traits (eye color)".
The manila grasshopper has several benefits to ecosystem and humans.
- In general it facilitates decomposition and regrowth of plants by creating a balance between the types of plants that grow well.
- Like other animals, grasshopper eats and excretes in the soil. Its waste increases the fertility of the soil and promotes plant growth.
- Grasshopper body is rich in protein, on its death microorganisms break down its body and enrich the soil and helps plants to grow.
- Grasshoppers prevent over growth of plants as it consume about 10% of the available plant biomass, thus maintain ecological balance.
having a higher osmotic pressure than a particular fluid, typically a body fluid or intracellular fluid.
of or in a state of abnormally high muscle tone.
Found it on google ;)