The main difference between plant cell and animal cell cytokinesis is the formation of new cell wall surrounding the daughter cells. Plant cells form a cell plate between the two daughter cells. In animal cells, a cleavage furrow is formed between the two daughter cells.
Thermocline - <span>a steep temperature gradient in a body of water, that is marked by a layer above and below at which the water is at different temperatures.
halocline - </span><span> a subtype of chemocline caused by a strong, vertical salinity gradient within a body of water.
pycnocline - </span><span>a layer in an ocean or other body of water in which water density increases rapidly with depth.</span>
The correct answers are:
sin(D) = 24/25
tan(D) = 24/7
sin (E) = 7/25
Therefore,when carbon monoxide is present,it blind to hemoglobin preferentially over oxygn.As a result,oxygen cannot blind to hemoglobin ,so very little oxygen is transported through the body carbon monoxide is a colorless odorless gas and is therefore difficult detect.
all of these are echinoderms